If you are planning on travelling to Vietnam in the near future, there are some diseases and health risks you should be aware of. You may be recommended to have additional vaccinations beyond the childhood immunisation schedule before travelling.
Children need to be fully up to date with their childhood immunisation schedule, to ensure protection against common preventable diseases.
If you are unsure whether you are sufficiently up to date or require a booster shot, the doctor can assist you and ensure you are up to date before travelling. You should speak to the doctor about:
- Your vaccination history
- Travel plans while in Vietnam and beyond if visiting other countries
- What style of accommodation and transport you will use
- Your general health and wellbeing
- Any plans for adventurous or outdoors activities
Commonly occurring preventable diseases, which you should consider getting vaccinated for, are discussed below.
The advice below is general only and does not substitute medical advice by a professional Travel Vaccination Clinic doctor. You can use the advice to start a conversation with the doctor.
What vaccinations do I need for travelling to Vietnam?
You should discuss the following vaccines during your appointment:
Hepatitis A and Typhoid
Both Hepatitis A and Typhoid are present in Vietnam.
Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A can be passed on through contaminated food or water and is preventable by vaccination before you travel to Vietnam. Symptoms may be flu-like, such as fever, tiredness, vomiting or nausea, and loss of appetite, but they may also include jaundice (yellowing of the eyes).
Typhoid: Typhoid is also passed on through contaminated food or water and may be preventable when the vaccine is administered.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B may occur through sexual contact, needle use or sharing of needles or medical procedures involving needles, such as tattoos, piercings or cosmetic procedures. If you engage in any activities which can result in accidents needing hospital blood transfusion then it would increase the risk of exposure to Hepatitis B, in which case it would best to discuss with one of our doctors whether a Hep B course is recommended. This risk of Hepatitis B can include having unprotected sex with a new partner .Also getting tattoos overseas can in some cases result in Hepatitis B , depending on where they are done.
Japanese Encephalitis and vaccinations for Vietnam
Japanese Encephalitis is a mosquito-borne disease and may be present, particularly in rural areas in Vietnam. This vaccine may be recommended if you are travelling to Vietnam for more than one month and/or are highly likely to spend time in rural and undeveloped areas, especially close to piggeries or rice farms.
If you will be spending a lot of time in rural areas and your trip is less than one month, you should speak to the doctor about getting this vaccine.
Seasonal peaks in outbreaks of Japanese Encephalitis can occur between May and October and the largest number of cases is reported from Hanoi and Northern provinces bordering China.
Depending on where you are going in Vietnam and what you will be doing, you may be recommended anti-malarial drugs, as malaria, which is transmitted through mosquito bites, is present in Vietnam and avoiding mosquito bites can be difficult.
All travellers to Vietnam should take precautions against mosquito bites as they can also spread zika virus and dengue fever. Common precautions include wearing long loose clothing, using insect repellent and mosquito nets and not sleeping outdoors.
If your activities involve sleeping outdoors or spending a lot of time where mosquitos are present, you should ask the doctor what precautions to take or whether you need to take anti-malaria medication with you.
The risk of malaria, depending on the specific area is generally low enough that avoiding mosquitos can be enough in Vietnam. There is no reported malaria in Da Nang, Haiphong, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Nha Trang, and Qui Nhon. If you will be visiting other parts of Vietnam, you should check the risk with a doctor.
Rabies is present in Vietnam, and all travellers should avoid contact with dogs, bats, and other mammals that may carry the rabies virus. Those who are more likely to come into contact with animals while in Vietnam, such as wildlife workers, vets, researchers, etc., will usually be advised to take precautions and have a preventative vaccine. Those spending an extended period in Vietnam or moving to Vietnam may be at increased risk of exposure to rabies.
If you are planning on doing adventure activities such as caving, hiking or camping the rabies vaccination may be recommended for you, so let the doctor know what you plan on doing while in Vietnam and what areas you will visit. Children may also be more likely to come into contact with an infected animal, experience an unprovoked animal attack or not report animal bites at all.
Yellow Fever
There is no considered risk of yellow fever in Vietnam, but depending on where you arrive from eg if you originate from a yellow fever country, the authorities may require proof you have been vaccinated against yellow fever. Generally, airport transit is not considered risky, but you should speak to the doctor if you have concerns about leaving an area with a risk of yellow fever infection, as you may need to obtain the yellow fever vaccination. The doctor can advise you which areas carry a high risk of yellow fever infection and what to do about it.
It’s important to note that the above is a partial list of illnesses and infectious diseases encountered in Vietnam. You may also need routine vaccinations against other diseases, such as chickenpox, whooping cough, viral diseases and typhoid fever.
Other important health information about travel to Vietnam
Vietnam is a country where outbreaks of watery diarrhoea or cholera can occur, and waterborne illnesses may be present. You should be careful and pay attention to food safety and hygiene while in Vietnam, and seek medical attention if any symptoms persist.
Outbreaks of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) can occur in Vietnam between March and May, and can continue until October each year. Fever and blisters on the hands, feet and buttocks can indicate HFMD. The disease is transmitted through contact with bodily fluids from someone infected (nose, mouth and faeces).
Outbreaks of ‘pink eye’ or conjunctivitis can also occur in Vietnam, and you should avoid contact with anyone who displays symptoms. Red/itchy eyes and discharge can occur with conjunctivitis. Diligent hand washing may also help reduce the risk of infection.
It is recommended to boil tap water or drink bottled water, and avoid uncooked and unpeeled vegetables and unpasteurised dairy products.